Tuesday, January 1, 2013

WEEK 1: Starting the New Year.

In this 1st day of 2013, do you have some resolutions?
Are you willing to change in order to change your life to a better life?
For this 1st week, I encourage you to LET GO!
Yes, let go!
Let go of all the things that doesn't serve you in your life.
Old habits, thoughts and personal belonging that you don't use anymore.

Start by thinking of your routine and see if there is anything you can change to feel better about it.
It can be changing the time that you go grocery shopping, or you time to go to bed and wake up etc...
Find one thing that you can change.

Now, observe your thoughts and refuse all negative thoughts and judgment;
They don't serve you for a happy positive life as you attract what you think!
So, try to change these thought in positive thoughts.
Affirm that you are happy and you feel great.

Allow 30 min to an hour this week to clean out a little space like your night table, your desk; your bathroom cupboard etc...
One at a time!
if you want to do more, do it!
Clearing up some space is very beneficial for your health.

You have all the week to work on it!
Take your time but each day, be positive and repeat some positive affirmations to help you.

Here are some affirmations that can help:

- I am willing to change

- I clear my life

- I think positive thoughts

- I am Happy

I hope this first step will help you for a good start in the New Year.

Please share any comment below...


  1. Congrats on the new blog, I'm a follower now! This is just what I need for the new year. Thank you for the motivation. =0)

  2. What a great way to get motivated - thanks so much
