Sunday, January 6, 2013

WEEK 2 : Living in the NOW.

I hope you had a nice first week and you were able to apply some of the affirmations?
Feel free to tell us in the comments below.

This week we will focus on Living in the NOW.

One of the main reason that we do not enjoy our life is because we are always thinking of a past even or a future one!
But we cannot do anything about it!
To enjoy your life, start to focus on the present moment;
Be totally involve in what you are doing and push away the thoughts about past or future.
Of course we have to plan some things ahead but it mustn't take all your day!.

Be conscious and present in everything you do this week.
and when you change, let go of the last task and focus on the new one!

This week affirmation:

- I am living in the NOW.

- I enjoy each moment of my life

- I focus on what I am doing.

- I am Now.

Have a wonderful week!


  1. I am grateful that I have the time and energy to comment on your very thought provoking and inspiring blog!
